The story combines science fiction, aestheticism and yaoi. Ai no Kusabi focuses on the love and conflict between 3 main characters, Iason Mink, Riki and Guy. The background takes place in a future computer-controlled society on the planet of Amoy and focuses on Riki, a resident of the Ceres slums. In the capital city of Tanagura where the elite class is divided into different ranks that are based on their hair colours, elites are allowed to keep slaves as pets to perform sexual acts for their voyeurism entertainment and are forbidden to interact sexually with them. Iason, the highest of elites, has forced Riki to become his pet and is obsessed with keeping Riki for himself. Riki keeps this secret of his former lover, Guy. Riki is unsure of whether he should continue to resist Iason or surrender to him.
Ai no Kusabi (2012) Episode 01 English Subbed
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